Vocabulary : Debatingly to Debauching
Debatingly : In the manner of a debate.
Debauch : To lead away from purity or excellence; to corrupt in character or principles; to mar; to vitiate; to pollute; to seduce; as, to debauch one's self by intemperance; to debauch a woman; to debauch an army. ;; Excess in eating or drinking; intemperance; drunkenness; lewdness; debauchery. ;; An act or occasion of debauchery.
Debauched : of Debauch ;; Dissolute; dissipated.
Debauchedly : In a profligate manner.
Debauchedness : The state of being debauched; intemperance.
Debauchee : One who is given to intemperance or bacchanalian excesses; a man habitually lewd; a libertine.
Debaucher : One who debauches or corrupts others; especially, a seducer to lewdness.
Debaucheries : of Debauchery
Debauchery : Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance. ;; Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness.
Debauching : of Debauch
: Debauchment, Debauchness, Debeige, Debel, Debellate, Debellation, Debenture, Debenture stock, Debentured, Debile
: Debasing, Debasingly, Debatable, Debate, Debated, Debateful, Debatefully, Debatement, Debater, Debating
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary