Vocabulary : Decachord to Decagon
Decachord : Alt. of Decachordon
Decachordon : An ancient Greek musical instrument of ten strings, resembling the harp. ;; Something consisting of ten parts.
Decad : A decade.
Decadal : Pertaining to ten; consisting of tens.
Decade : A group or division of ten; esp., a period of ten years; a decennium; as, a decade of years or days; a decade of soldiers; the second decade of Livy.
Decadence : Alt. of Decadency
Decadency : A falling away; decay; deterioration; declension. "The old castle, where the family lived in their decadence."
Decadent : Decaying; deteriorating. ;; One that is decadent, or deteriorating; esp., one characterized by, or exhibiting, the qualities of those who are degenerating to a lower type; -- specif. applied to a certain school of modern French writers.
Decadist : A writer of a book divided into decades; as, Livy was a decadist.
Decagon : A plane figure having ten sides and ten angles; any figure having ten angles. A regular decagon is one that has all its sides and angles equal.
: Decagonal, Decagram, Decagramme, Decagynia, Decagynian, Decahedra, Decahedral, Decahedron, Decahedrons, Decalcification
: Debtor, Debulition, Debulliate, Deburse, Debuscope, Debut, Debutant, Debutante, Deca-, Decacerata
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary