Vocabulary : Deceivable to Decemdentate
Deceivable : Fitted to deceive; deceitful. ;; Subject to deceit; capable of being misled.
Deceivableness : Capability of deceiving. ;; Liability to be deceived or misled; as, the deceivableness of a child.
Deceivably : In a deceivable manner.
Deceive : To lead into error; to cause to believe what is false, or disbelieve what is true; to impose upon; to mislead; to cheat; to disappoint; to delude; to insnare. ;; To beguile; to amuse, so as to divert the attention; to while away; to take away as if by deception. ;; To deprive by fraud or stealth; to defraud.
Deceived : of Deceive
Deceiver : One who deceives; one who leads into error; a cheat; an impostor.
Deceiving : of Deceive
December : The twelfth and last month of the year, containing thirty-one days. During this month occurs the winter solstice. ;; Fig.: With reference to the end of the year and to the winter season; as, the December of his life.
Decembrist : One of those who conspired for constitutional government against the Emperor Nicholas on his accession to the throne at the death of Alexander I., in December, 1825; -- called also Dekabrist.
Decemdentate : Having ten points or teeth.
: Decemfid, Decemlocular, Decempedal, Decemvir, Decemviral, Decemvirate, Decemviri, Decemvirs, Decemvirship, Decence
: Decease, Deceased, Deceasing, Decede, Decedent, Deceit, Deceitful, Deceitfully, Deceitfulness, Deceitless
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary