Vocabulary : Decharm to Decidement
Decharm : To free from a charm; to disenchant.
Dechristianize : To turn from, or divest of, Christianity.
Dechristianized : of Dechristianize
Dechristianizing : of Dechristianize
Deciare : A measure of area, the tenth part of an are; ten square meters.
Decidable : Capable of being decided; determinable.
Decide : To cut off; to separate. ;; To bring to a termination, as a question, controversy, struggle, by giving the victory to one side or party; to render judgment concerning; to determine; to settle. ;; To determine; to form a definite opinion; to come to a conclusion; to give decision; as, the court decided in favor of the defendant.
Decided : of Decide ;; Free from ambiguity; unequivocal; unmistakable; unquestionable; clear; evident; as, a decided advantage. ;; Free from doubt or wavering; determined; of fixed purpose; fully settled; positive; resolute; as, a decided opinion or purpose.
Decidedly : In a decided manner; indisputably; clearly; thoroughly.
Decidement : Means of forming a decision.
: Decidence, Decider, Deciding, Decidua, Deciduata, Deciduate, Deciduity, Deciduous, Deciduousness, Decigram
: Deceptivity, Deceptory, Decern, Decerniture, Decerp, Decerpt, Decerptible, Decerption, Decertation, Decession
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary