Vocabulary : Defrayment to Defying
Defrayment : Payment of charges.
Deft : Apt; fit; dexterous; clever; handy; spruce; neat.
Deftly : Aptly; fitly; dexterously; neatly.
Deftness : The quality of being deft.
Defunct : Having finished the course of life; dead; deceased. ;; A dead person; one deceased.
Defunction : Death.
Defunctive : Funereal.
Defuse : To disorder; to make shapeless.
Defy : To renounce or dissolve all bonds of affiance, faith, or obligation with; to reject, refuse, or renounce. ;; To provoke to combat or strife; to call out to combat; to challenge; to dare; to brave; to set at defiance; to treat with contempt; as, to defy an enemy; to defy the power of a magistrate; to defy the arguments of an opponent; to defy public opinion. ;; A challenge.
Defying : of Defy
: Degage, Degarnish, Degarnished, Degarnishing, Degarnishment, Degender, Degener, Degeneracy, Degenerate, Degenerated
: Defraudation, Defrauded, Defrauder, Defrauding, Defraudment, Defray, Defrayal, Defrayed, Defrayer, Defraying
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary