Vocabulary : Dentizing to Denunciative

Dentizing : of Dentize
Dentoid : Shaped like a tooth; tooth-shaped.
Dentolingual : Dentilingual.
Denture : An artificial tooth, block, or set of teeth.
Denudate : To denude.
Denudation : The act of stripping off covering, or removing the surface; a making bare. ;; The laying bare of rocks by the washing away of the overlying earth, etc.; or the excavation and removal of them by the action of running water.
Denude : To divest of all covering; to make bare or naked; to strip; to divest; as, to denude one of clothing, or lands.
Denunciate : To denounce; to condemn publicly or solemnly.
Denunciation : Proclamation; announcement; a publishing. ;; The act of denouncing; public menace or accusation; the act of inveighing against, stigmatizing, or publicly arraigning; arraignment. ;; That by which anything is denounced; threat of evil; public menace or accusation; arraignment.
Denunciative : Same as Denunciatory.
Next : Denunciator, Denunciatory, Denutrition, Deny, Denying, Denyingly, Deobstruct, Deobstruent, Deodand, Deodar
Previous : Dentirostrate, Dentirostres, Dentiscalp, Dentist, Dentistic, Dentistical, Dentistry, Dentition, Dentize, Dentized
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