Vocabulary : Deplore to Deployed
Deplore : To feel or to express deep and poignant grief for; to bewail; to lament; to mourn; to sorrow over. ;; To complain of. ;; To regard as hopeless; to give up. ;; To lament.
Deplored : of Deplore
Deploredly : Lamentably.
Deploredness : The state of being deplored or deplorable.
Deplorement : Deploration.
Deploring : of Deplore
Deploringly : In a deploring manner.
Deplorre : One who deplores.
Deploy : To open out; to unfold; to spread out (a body of troops) in such a way that they shall display a wider front and less depth; -- the reverse of ploy; as, to deploy a column of troops into line of battle. ;; Alt. of Deployment
Deployed : of Deploy
: Deploying, Deployment, Deplumate, Deplumation, Deplume, Deplumed, Depluming, Depolarization, Depolarize, Depolarized
: Depletive, Depletory, Deplication, Deploitation, Deplorability, Deplorable, Deplorableness, Deplorably, Deplorate, Deploration
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary