Vocabulary : Depuration to Deputator

Depuration : The act or process of depurating or freeing from foreign or impure matter, as a liquid or wound.
Depurative : Purifying the blood or the humors; depuratory. ;; A depurative remedy or agent; or a disease which is believed to be depurative.
Depurator : One who, or that which, cleanses.
Depuratory : Depurating; tending to depurate or cleanse; depurative.
Depure : To depurate; to purify.
Depurgatory : Serving to purge; tending to cleanse or purify.
Depurition : See Depuration.
Deputable : Fit to be deputed; suitable to act as a deputy.
Deputation : The act of deputing, or of appointing or commissioning a deputy or representative; office of a deputy or delegate; vicegerency. ;; The person or persons deputed or commissioned by another person, party, or public body to act in his or its behalf; delegation; as, the general sent a deputation to the enemy to propose a truce.
Deputator : One who deputes, or makes a deputation.
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