Vocabulary : Descending to Described
Descending : of Descend ;; Of or pertaining to descent; moving downwards.
Descendingly : In a descending manner.
Descension : The act of going downward; descent; falling or sinking; declension; degradation.
Descensional : Pertaining to descension.
Descensive : Tending to descend; tending downwards; descending.
Descensory : A vessel used in alchemy to extract oils.
Descent : The act of descending, or passing downward; change of place from higher to lower. ;; Incursion; sudden attack; especially, hostile invasion from sea; -- often followed by upon or on; as, to make a descent upon the enemy. ;; Progress downward, as in station, virtue, as in station, virtue, and the like, from a higher to a lower state, from a higher to a lower state, from the more to the less important, from the better to the worse, etc. ;; Derivation, as from an ancestor; procedure by generation; lineage; birth; extraction. ;; Transmission of an estate by inheritance, usually, but not necessarily, in the descending line; title to inherit an estate by reason of consanguinity. ;; Inclination downward; a descending way; inclined or sloping surface; declivity; slope; as, a steep descent. ;; That which is descended; descendants; issue. ;; A step or remove downward in any scale of gradation; a degree in the scale of genealogy; a generation. ;; Lowest place; extreme downward place. ;; A passing from a higher to a lowe
Describable : That can be described; capable of description.
Describe : To represent by drawing; to draw a plan of; to delineate; to trace or mark out; as, to describe a circle by the compasses; a torch waved about the head in such a way as to describe a circle. ;; To represent by words written or spoken; to give an account of; to make known to others by words or signs; as, the geographer describes countries and cities. ;; To distribute into parts, groups, or classes; to mark off; to class. ;; To use the faculty of describing; to give a description; as, Milton describes with uncommon force and beauty.
Described : of Describe
: Describent, Describer, Describing, Descried, Descrier, Description, Descriptive, Descrive, Descry, Descrying
: Descanted, Descanter, Descanting, Descend, Descendant, Descended, Descendent, Descender, Descendibility, Descendible
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary