Vocabulary : Despited to Despoiling
Despited : of Despite
Despiteful : Full of despite; expressing malice or contemptuous hate; malicious.
Despiteous : Feeling or showing despite; malicious; angry to excess; cruel; contemptuous.
Despiteously : Despitefully.
Despiting : of Despite
Despitous : Despiteous; very angry; cruel.
Despoil : To strip, as of clothing; to divest or unclothe. ;; To deprive for spoil; to plunder; to rob; to pillage; to strip; to divest; -- usually followed by of. ;; Spoil.
Despoiled : of Despoil
Despoiler : One who despoils.
Despoiling : of Despoil
: Despoilment, Despoliation, Despond, Desponded, Despondence, Despondency, Despondent, Desponder, Desponding, Despondingly
: Despisable, Despisal, Despise, Despised, Despisedness, Despisement, Despiser, Despising, Despisingly, Despite
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary