Vocabulary : Dichroous to Diclinic
Dichroous : Dichroic.
Dichroscope : An instrument for examining the dichroism of crystals.
Dichroscopic : Pertaining to the dichroscope, or to observations with it.
Dicing : of Dice ;; An ornamenting in squares or cubes. ;; Gambling with dice.
Dickcissel : The American black-throated bunting (Spiza Americana).
Dickens : The devil.
Dicker : The number or quantity of ten, particularly ten hides or skins; a dakir; as, a dicker of gloves. ;; A chaffering, barter, or exchange, of small wares; as, to make a dicker. ;; To negotiate a dicker; to barter.
Dickey : Alt. of Dicky ;; A hat; esp., in U. S., a stiff hat or derby; in Eng., a straw hat. ;; One of various animals ;; A donkey. ;; Any small bird; -- called also dickey bird. ;; The hedge sparrow. ;; The haddock. ;; A seat for the driver; -- called also dickey box. ;; A seat at the back for servants.
Dicky : A seat behind a carriage, for a servant. ;; A false shirt front or bosom. ;; A gentleman's shirt collar.
Diclinic : Having two of the intersections between the three axes oblique. See Crystallization.
: Diclinous, Dicoccous, Dicotyledon, Dicotyledonous, Dicrotal, Dicrotic, Dicrotism, Dicrotous, Dicta, Dictagraph
: Dichotomy, Dichroic, Dichroiscope, Dichroism, Dichroite, Dichroitic, Dichromate, Dichromatic, Dichromatism, Dichromic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary