Vocabulary : Directive to Directory
Directive : Having power to direct; tending to direct, guide, or govern; showing the way. ;; Able to be directed; manageable.Directly : In a direct manner; in a straight line or course. ;; In a straightforward way; without anything intervening; not by secondary, but by direct, means. ;; Without circumlocution or ambiguity; absolutely; in express terms. ;; Exactly; just. ;; Straightforwardly; honestly. ;; Manifestly; openly. ;; Straightway; next in order; without delay; immediately. ;; Immediately after; as soon as.
Directness : The quality of being direct; straightness; straightforwardness; immediateness.
Directoire style : A style of dress prevalent at the time of the French Directory, characterized by great extravagance of design and imitating the Greek and Roman costumes.
Director : One who, or that which, directs; one who regulates, guides, or orders; a manager or superintendent. ;; One of a body of persons appointed to manage the affairs of a company or corporation; as, the directors of a bank, insurance company, or railroad company. ;; A part of a machine or instrument which directs its motion or action. ;; A slender grooved instrument upon which a knife is made to slide when it is wished to limit the extent of motion of the latter, or prevent its injuring the parts beneath.