Vocabulary : Disaffect to Disafforested
Disaffect : To alienate or diminish the affection of; to make unfriendly or less friendly; to fill with discontent and unfriendliness. ;; To disturb the functions of; to disorder. ;; To lack affection for; to be alienated from, or indisposed toward; to dislike.
Disaffected : of Disaffect ;; Alienated in feeling; not wholly loyal.
Disaffecting : of Disaffect
Disaffection : State of being disaffected; alienation or want of affection or good will, esp. toward those in authority; unfriendliness; dislike. ;; Disorder; bad constitution.
Disaffectionate : Not disposed to affection; unfriendly; disaffected.
Disaffirm : To assert the contrary of; to contradict; to deny; -- said of that which has been asserted. ;; To refuse to confirm; to annul, as a judicial decision, by a contrary judgment of a superior tribunal.
Disaffirmance : The act of disaffirming; denial; negation. ;; Overthrow or annulment by the decision of a superior tribunal; as, disaffirmance of judgment.
Disaffirmation : The act of disaffirming; negation; refutation.
Disafforest : To reduce from the privileges of a forest to the state of common ground; to exempt from forest laws.
Disafforested : of Disafforest
: Disafforesting, Disageeing, Disaggregate, Disaggregation, Disagree, Disagreeable, Disagreeableness, Disagreeably, Disagreeance, Disagreed
: Disacquaintance, Disacryl, Disadorn, Disadvance, Disadvantage, Disadvantageable, Disadvantageous, Disadventure, Disadventurous, Disadvise
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary