Vocabulary : Disangelical to Disanoint
Disangelical : Not angelical.
Disanimate : To deprive of life. ;; To deprive of spirit; to dishearten.
Disanimated : of Disanimate
Disanimating : of Disanimate
Disanimation : Privation of life. ;; The state of being disanimated or discouraged; depression of spirits.
Disannex : To disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of.
Disannul : To annul completely; to render void or of no effect.
Disannuller : One who disannuls.
Disannulment : Complete annulment.
Disanoint : To invalidate the consecration of; as, to disanoint a king.
: Disapointed, Disapparel, Disappear, Disappearance, Disappeared, Disappearing, Disappendency, Disappendent, Disappoint, Disappointed
: Disagreement, Disagreer, Disalliege, Disallow, Disallowable, Disallowance, Disallowed, Disallowing, Disally, Disanchor
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary