Vocabulary : Disbar to Disbelieved

Disbar : To expel from the bar, or the legal profession; to deprive (an attorney, barrister, or counselor) of his status and privileges as such.
Disbark : To disembark. ;; To strip of bark; to bark.
Disbarment : Act of disbarring.
Disbarred : of Disbar
Disbarring : of Disbar
Disbase : To debase or degrade.
Disbecome : To misbecome.
Disbelief : The act of disbelieving;; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief.
Disbelieve : Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual.
Disbelieved : of Disbelieve
Next : Disbeliever, Disbelieving, Disbench, Disbend, Disbind, Disblame, Disbodied, Disboscation, Disbowel, Disbranch
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