Vocabulary : Disfigure to Disfranchise
Disfigure : To mar the figure of; to render less complete, perfect, or beautiful in appearance; to deface; to deform. ;; Disfigurement; deformity.
Disfigured : of Disfigure
Disfigurement : Act of disfiguring, or state of being disfigured; deformity. ;; That which disfigures; a defacement; a blot.
Disfigurer : One who disfigures.
Disfiguring : of Disfigure
Disflesh : To reduce the flesh or obesity of.
Disforest : To disafforest. ;; To clear or deprive of forests or trees.
Disforestation : The act of clearing land of forests.
Disformity : Discordance or diversity of form; unlikeness in form.
Disfranchise : To deprive of a franchise or chartered right; to dispossess of the rights of a citizen, or of a particular privilege, as of voting, holding office, etc.
: Disfranchised, Disfranchisement, Disfranchising, Disfriar, Disfrock, Disfurnish, Disfurnished, Disfurnishing, Disfurnishment, Disfurniture
: Disfashion, Disfavor, Disfavorable, Disfavorably, Disfavored, Disfavorer, Disfavoring, Disfeature, Disfellowship, Disfiguration
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary