Vocabulary : Dishable to Disheartened
Dishable : To disable. ;; To disparage.
Dishallow : To make unholy; to profane.
Disharmonious : Unharmonious; discordant.
Disharmony : Want of harmony; discord; incongruity.
Dishaunt : To leave; to quit; to cease to haunt.
Dishcloth : A cloth used for washing dishes.
Dishclout : A dishcloth.
Disheart : To dishearten.
Dishearten : To discourage; to deprive of courage and hope; to depress the spirits of; to deject.
Disheartened : of Dishearten
: Disheartening, Disheartenment, Dished, Disheir, Dishelm, Disherison, Disherit, Disheritance, Disherited, Disheriting
: Disgusted, Disgustful, Disgustfulness, Disgusting, Dish, Dishabilitate, Dishabille, Dishabit, Dishabited, Dishabituate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary