Vocabulary : Dishonest to Dishorn
Dishonest : Dishonorable; shameful; indecent; unchaste; lewd. ;; Dishonored; disgraced; disfigured. ;; Wanting in honesty; void of integrity; faithless; disposed to cheat or defraud; not trustworthy; as, a dishonest man. ;; Characterized by fraud; indicating a want of probity; knavish; fraudulent; unjust. ;; To disgrace; to dishonor; as, to dishonest a maid.Dishonestly : In a dishonest manner.
Dishonesty : Dishonor; dishonorableness; shame. ;; Want of honesty, probity, or integrity in principle; want of fairness and straightforwardness; a disposition to defraud, deceive, or betray; faithlessness. ;; Violation of trust or of justice; fraud; any deviation from probity; a dishonest act. ;; Lewdness; unchastity.
Dishonor : Lack of honor; disgrace; ignominy; shame; reproach. ;; The nonpayment or nonacceptance of commercial paper by the party on whom it is drawn. ;; To deprive of honor; to disgrace; to bring reproach or shame on; to treat with indignity, or as unworthy in the sight of others; to stain the character of; to lessen the reputation of; as, the duelist dishonors himself to maintain his honor. ;; To violate the chastity of; to debauch. ;; To refuse or decline to accept or pay; -- said of a bill, check, note, or draft which is due or presented; as, to dishonor a bill exchange.
Dishonorable : Wanting in honor; not honorable; bringing or deserving dishonor; staining the character, and lessening the reputation; shameful; disgraceful; base. ;; Wanting in honor or esteem; disesteemed.