Vocabulary : Disobliger to Disorder
Disobliger : One who disobliges.
Disobliging : of Disoblige ;; Not obliging; not disposed to do a favor; unaccommodating; as, a disobliging person or act. ;; Displeasing; offensive.
Disoccident : To turn away from the west; to throw out of reckoning as to longitude.
Disoccupation : The state of being unemployed; want of occupation.
Disopinion : Want or difference of belief; disbelief.
Disoppilate : To open.
Disorb : To throw out of the proper orbit; to unsphere.
Disord : Disorder.
Disordeined : Inordinate; irregular; vicious.
Disorder : Want of order or regular disposition; lack of arrangement; confusion; disarray; as, the troops were thrown into disorder; the papers are in disorder. ;; Neglect of order or system; irregularity. ;; Breach of public order; disturbance of the peace of society; tumult. ;; Disturbance of the functions of the animal economy of the soul; sickness; derangement. ;; To disturb the order of; to derange or disarrange; to throw into confusion; to confuse. ;; To disturb or interrupt the regular and natural functions of (either body or mind); to produce sickness or indisposition in; to discompose; to derange; as, to disorder the head or stomach. ;; To depose from holy orders.
: Disordered, Disordering, Disorderliness, Disorderly, Disordinance, Disordinate, Disordinately, Disordination, Disorganization, Disorganize
: Disobeisant, Disobey, Disobeyed, Disobeyer, Disobeying, Disobligation, Disobligatory, Disoblige, Disobliged, Disobligement
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary