Vocabulary : Disrelish to Disrepute
Disrelish : Want of relish; dislike (of the palate or of the mind); distaste; a slight degree of disgust; as, a disrelish for some kinds of food. ;; Absence of relishing or palatable quality; bad taste; nauseousness. ;; Not to relish; to regard as unpalatable or offensive; to feel a degree of disgust at. ;; To deprive of relish; to make nauseous or disgusting in a slight degree.
Disrelished : of Disrelish
Disrelishing : of Disrelish
Disremember : To fail to remember; to forget.
Disrepair : A state of being in bad condition, and wanting repair.
Disreputability : The state of being disreputable.
Disreputable : Not reputable; of bad repute; not in esteem; dishonorable; disgracing the reputation; tending to bring into disesteem; as, it is disreputable to associate familiarly with the mean, the lewd, and the profane.
Disreputably : In a disreputable manner.
Disreputation : Loss or want of reputation or good name; dishonor; disrepute; disesteem.
Disrepute : Loss or want of reputation; ill character; disesteem; discredit. ;; To bring into disreputation; to hold in dishonor.
: Disrespect, Disrespectability, Disrespectable, Disrespecter, Disrespectful, Disrespective, Disreverence, Disrobe, Disrobed, Disrober
: Disrank, Disrate, Disray, Disrealize, Disregard, Disregarded, Disregarder, Disregardful, Disregardfully, Disregarding
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary