Vocabulary : Dissunder to Dissymmetrical
Dissunder : To separate; to sunder; to destroy.
Dissundered : of Dissunder
Dissundering : of Dissunder
Dissweeten : To deprive of sweetness.
Dissyllabic : Consisting of two syllables only; as, a dissyllabic foot in poetry.
Dissyllabification : A forming into two syllables.
Dissyllabify : To form into two syllables.
Dissyllabize : To form into two syllables; to dissyllabify.
Dissyllable : A word of two syllables; as, pa-per.
Dissymmetrical : Not having symmetry; asymmetrical; unsymmetrical.
: Dissymmetry, Dissympathy, Distad, Distaff, Distaffs, Distain, Distained, Distaining, Distal, Distally
: Dissonant, Disspermous, Disspirit, Dissuade, Dissuaded, Dissuader, Dissuading, Dissuasion, Dissuasive, Dissuasory
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary