Vocabulary : Disvantageous to Disworth
Disvantageous : Disadvantageous.
Disvelop : To develop.
Disventure : A disadventure.
Disvouch : To discredit; to contradict.
Diswarn : To dissuade from by previous warning.
Diswitted : Deprived of wits or understanding; distracted.
Diswont : To deprive of wonted usage; to disaccustom.
Disworkmanship : Bad workmanship.
Disworship : To refuse to worship; to treat as unworthy. ;; A deprivation of honor; a cause of disgrace; a discredit.
Disworth : To deprive of worth; to degrade.
: Disyoke, Dit, Ditation, Ditch, Ditched, Ditcher, Ditches, Ditching, Dite, Diterebene
: Disuniter, Disuniting, Disunity, Disusage, Disuse, Disused, Disusing, Disutilize, Disvaluation, Disvalue
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary