Vocabulary : Divisional to Divorcee
Divisional : That divides; pertaining to, making, or noting, a division; as, a divisional line; a divisional general; a divisional surgeon of police.
Divisionally : So as to be divisional.
Divisionary : Divisional.
Divisionor : One who divides or makes division.
Divisive : Indicating division or distribution. ;; Creating, or tending to create, division, separation, or difference.
Divisor : The number by which the dividend is divided.
Divorce : A legal dissolution of the marriage contract by a court or other body having competent authority. This is properly a divorce, and called, technically, divorce a vinculo matrimonii. ;; The separation of a married woman from the bed and board of her husband -- divorce a mensa et toro (/ thoro), "from bed board." ;; The decree or writing by which marriage is dissolved. ;; Separation; disunion of things closely united. ;; That which separates. ;; To dissolve the marriage contract of, either wholly or partially; to separate by divorce. ;; To separate or disunite; to sunder. ;; To make away; to put away.
Divorceable : Capable of being divorced.
Divorced : of Divorce
Divorcee : A person divorced.
: Divorceless, Divorcement, Divorcer, Divorcible, Divorcing, Divorcive, Divot, Divulgate, Divulgater, Divulgation
: Diviningly, Divinistre, Divinities, Divinity, Divinity calf, Divinization, Divinize, Divisibility, Divisible, Division
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary