Vocabulary : Dizzied to Do
Dizzied : of Dizzy
Dizzily : In a dizzy manner or state.
Dizziness : Giddiness; a whirling sensation in the head; vertigo.
Dizzy : Having in the head a sensation of whirling, with a tendency to fall; vertiginous; giddy; hence, confused; indistinct. ;; Causing, or tending to cause, giddiness or vertigo. ;; Without distinct thought; unreflecting; thoughtless; heedless. ;; To make dizzy or giddy; to give the vertigo to; to confuse.
Dizzying : of Dizzy
Djereed : Alt. of Djerrid
Djerrid : A blunt javelin used in military games in Moslem countries. ;; A game played with it.
Djinnee : See Jinnee, Jinn.
Djinns : of Djinnee
Do : A syllable attached to the first tone of the major diatonic scale for the purpose of solmization, or solfeggio. It is the first of the seven syllables used by the Italians as manes of musical tones, and replaced, for the sake of euphony, the syllable Ut, applied to the note C. In England and America the same syllables are used by mane as a scale pattern, while the tones in respect to absolute pitch are named from the first seven letters of the alphabet. ;; To place; to put. ;; To cause; to make; -- with an infinitive. ;; To bring about; to produce, as an effect or result; to effect; to achieve. ;; To perform, as an action; to execute; to transact to carry out in action; as, to do a good or a bad act; do our duty; to do what I can. ;; To bring to an end by action; to perform completely; to finish; to accomplish; -- a sense conveyed by the construction, which is that of the past participle done. ;; To make ready for an object, purpose, or use, as food by cooking; to cook completely or sufficiently; as, the meat
: Do., Doab, Doable, Do-all, Doand, Doat, Dobber, Dobbin, Dobby, Dobchick
: Divulge, Divulged, Divulging, Divulsive, Dixie, Dizen, Dizened, Dizening, Dizz, Dizzard
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary