Vocabulary : Doctoral to Doctrinable
Doctoral : Of or relating to a doctor, or to the degree of doctor.
Doctorally : In the manner of a doctor.
Doctorate : The degree, title, or rank, of a doctor. ;; To make (one) a doctor.
Doctored : of Doctor
Doctoress : A female doctor.
Doctoring : of Doctor
Doctorly : Like a doctor or learned man.
Doctorship : Doctorate.
Doctress : A female doctor.
Doctrinable : Of the nature of, or constituting, doctrine.
: Doctrinaire, Doctrinal, Doctrinally, Doctrinarian, Doctrinarianism, Doctrine, Document, Documental, Documentary, Dod
: Dock-cress, Docked, Docket, Docketed, Docketing, Docking, Dockyard, Docoglossa, Docquet, Doctor
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary