Vocabulary : Double-decker to Double-headed

Double-decker : A man-of-war having two gun decks. ;; A public conveyance, as a street car, with seats on the roof. ;; A tenement house having two families on each floor. ;; A biplane aeroplane or kite.
Double-dye : To dye again or twice over.
Double-dyed : Dyed twice; thoroughly or intensely colored; hence; firmly fixed in opinions or habits; as, a double-dyed villain.
Double-ender : A vessel capable of moving in either direction, having bow and rudder at each end. ;; A locomotive with pilot at each end.
Double-entendre : A word or expression admitting of a double interpretation, one of which is often obscure or indelicate.
Double-eyed : Having a deceitful look.
Double-faced : Having two faces designed for use; as, a double-faced hammer. ;; Deceitful; hypocritical; treacherous.
Doubleganger : An apparition or double of a living person; a doppelganger.
Double-handed : Having two hands. ;; Deceitful; deceptive.
Double-headed : Having two heads; bicipital.
Next : Doublehearted, Double-hung, Double-lock, Double-milled, Doubleminded, Doubleness, Double-quick, Doubler, Double-ripper, Double-shade
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