Vocabulary : Duad to Dub
Duad : A union of two; duality.
Dual : Expressing, or consisting of, the number two; belonging to two; as, the dual number of nouns, etc. , in Greek.
Dualin : An explosive substance consisting essentially of sawdust or wood pulp, saturated with nitroglycerin and other similar nitro compounds. It is inferior to dynamite, and is more liable to explosion.
Dualism : State of being dual or twofold; a twofold division; any system which is founded on a double principle, or a twofold distinction ;; A view of man as constituted of two original and independent elements, as matter and spirit. ;; A system which accepts two gods, or two original principles, one good and the other evil. ;; The doctrine that all mankind are divided by the arbitrary decree of God, and in his eternal foreknowledge, into two classes, the elect and the reprobate. ;; The theory that each cerebral hemisphere acts independently of the other.
Dualist : One who believes in dualism; a ditheist. ;; One who administers two offices.
Dualistic : Consisting of two; pertaining to dualism or duality.
Duality : The quality or condition of being two or twofold; dual character or usage.
Duan : A division of a poem corresponding to a canto; a poem or song.
Duarchy : Government by two persons.
Dub : To confer knighthood upon; as, the king dubbed his son Henry a knight. ;; To invest with any dignity or new character; to entitle; to call. ;; To clothe or invest; to ornament; to adorn. ;; To strike, rub, or dress smooth; to dab; ;; To dress with an adz; as, to dub a stick of timber smooth. ;; To strike cloth with teasels to raise a nap. ;; To rub or dress with grease, as leather in the process of cyrrying it. ;; To prepare for fighting, as a gamecock, by trimming the hackles and cutting off the comb and wattles. ;; To make a noise by brisk drumbeats. ;; A blow. ;; A pool or puddle.
: Dubb, Dubbed, Dubber, Dubbing, Dubieties, Dubiety, Dubiosities, Dubiosity, Dubious, Dubiously
: Drynurse, Dryobalanops, Dry-rub, Dry-rubbed, Dry-rubbing, Drysalter, Drysaltery, Dry-shod, Dry-stone, Dryth
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary