Vocabulary : Dunny to Duodecimfid

Dunny : Deaf; stupid.
Dunt : A blow.
Dunted : Beaten; hence, blunted.
Dunter : A porpoise.
Duo : A composition for two performers; a duet.
Duodecahedral : Alt. of Duodecahedron
Duodecahedron : See Dodecahedral, and Dodecahedron.
Duodecennial : Consisting of twelve years.
Duodecimal : Proceeding in computation by twelves; expressed in the scale of twelves. ;; A twelfth part; as, the duodecimals of an inch. ;; A system of numbers, whose denominations rise in a scale of twelves, as of feet and inches. The system is used chiefly by artificers in computing the superficial and solid contents of their work.
Duodecimfid : Divided into twelve parts.
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