Vocabulary : Erogate to Eroteme
Erogate : To lay out, as money; to deal out; to expend.
Erogated : of Erogate
Erogating : of Erogate
Erogation : The act of giving out or bestowing.
Eros : Love; the god of love; -- by earlier writers represented as one of the first and creative gods, by later writers as the son of Aphrodite, equivalent to the Latin god Cupid.
Erose : Irregular or uneven as if eaten or worn away. ;; Jagged or irregularly toothed, as if nibbled out or gnawed.
Erosion : The act or operation of eroding or eating away. ;; The state of being eaten away; corrosion; canker. ;; The wearing away of the earth's surface by any natural process. The chief agent of erosion is running water; minor agents are glaciers, the wind, and waves breaking against the coast.
Erosive : That erodes or gradually eats away; tending to erode; corrosive.
Erostrate : Without a beak.
Eroteme : A mark indicating a question; a note of interrogation.
: Erotesis, Erotic, Erotical, Eroticism, Erpetologist, Erpetology, Err, Errable, Errableness, Errabund
: Erminois, Ermit, Ern, Erne, Ernest, Ernestful, Erode, Eroded, Erodent, Eroding
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary