Vocabulary : Flying to Flytrap

Flying : of Fly ;; Moving in the air with, or as with, wings; moving lightly or rapidly; intended for rapid movement.
Flying boat : A compact form of hydro-aeroplane having one central body, or hull.
Flying fish : A fish which is able to leap from the water, and fly a considerable distance by means of its large and long pectoral fins. These fishes belong to several species of the genus Exocoetus, and are found in the warmer parts of all the oceans.
Flying squirrel : One of a group of squirrels, of the genera Pteromus and Sciuropterus, having parachute-like folds of skin extending from the fore to the hind legs, which enable them to make very long leaps.
Flyman : The driver of a fly, or light public carriage.
Flymen : of Flyman
Flysch : A name given to the series of sandstones and schists overlying the true nummulitic formation in the Alps, and included in the Eocene Tertiary.
Flyspeck : A speck or stain made by the excrement of a fly; hence, any insignificant dot. ;; To soil with flyspecks.
Flyte : Strife; dispute; abusive or upbraiding talk, as in fliting; wrangling.
Flytrap : A trap for catching flies. ;; A plant (Dionaea muscipula), called also Venus's flytrap, the leaves of which are fringed with stiff bristles, and fold together when certain hairs on their upper surface are touched, thus seizing insects that light on them. The insects so caught are afterwards digested by a secretion from the upper surface of the leaves.
Next : Flytting, Fo, Foal, Foaled, Foalfoot, Foaling, Foam, Foamed, Foaming, Foamingly
Previous : Fly-bitten, Flyblow, Flyblown, Flyboat, Fly-case, Flycatcher, Fly-catching, Flyer, Flyfish, Fly-fish
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