Vocabulary : Glauber's salt to Glauconite

Glauber's salt : Alt. of Glauber's salts
Glauber's salts : Sulphate of soda, a well-known cathartic. It is a white crystalline substance, with a cooling, slightly bitter taste, and is commonly called "salts."
Glaucescent : Having a somewhat glaucous appearance or nature; becoming glaucous.
Glaucic : Of or pertaining to the Glaucium or horned poppy; -- formerly applied to an acid derived from it, now known to be fumaric acid.
Glaucine : Glaucous or glaucescent. ;; An alkaloid obtained from the plant Glaucium, as a bitter, white, crystalline substance.
Glaucodot : A metallic mineral having a grayish tin-white color, and containing cobalt and iron, with sulphur and arsenic.
Glaucoma : Dimness or abolition of sight, with a diminution of transparency, a bluish or greenish tinge of the refracting media of the eye, and a hard inelastic condition of the eyeball, with marked increase of tension within the eyeball.
Glaucomatous : Having the nature of glaucoma.
Glaucometer : See Gleucometer.
Glauconite : The green mineral characteristic of the greensand of the chalk and other formations. It is a hydrous silicate of iron and potash. See Greensand.
Next : Glaucophane, Glaucosis, Glaucous, Glaucus, Glaum, Glave, Glaver, Glaverer, Glaymore, Glaze
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