Vocabulary : Gleesome to Glenlivet
Gleesome : Merry; joyous; gleeful.
Gleet : A transparent mucous discharge from the membrane of the urethra, commonly an effect of gonorrhea. ;; To flow in a thin, limpid humor; to ooze, as gleet. ;; To flow slowly, as water.
Gleety : Ichorous; thin; limpid.
Gleg : Quick of perception; alert; sharp.
Gleire : Alt. of Gleyre
Glen : A secluded and narrow valley; a dale; a depression between hills.
Glengarry : Alt. of Glengarry bonnet
Glengarry bonnet : A kind of Highland Scotch cap for men, with straight sides and a hollow top sloping to the back, where it is parted and held together by ribbons or strings.
Glenlivat : Alt. of Glenlivet
Glenlivet : A kind of Scotch whisky, named from the district in which it was first made.
: Glenoid, Glenoidal, Glent, Gleucometer, Glew, Gley, Gleyre, Gliadin, Glib, Glibly
: Gleby, Glede, Glee, Glee club, Gleed, Gleeful, Gleek, Gleeman, Gleemen, Gleen
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary