Vocabulary : Halophyte to Halsed

Halophyte : A plant found growing in salt marshes, or in the sea.
Halos : of Halo
Haloscope : An instrument for exhibition or illustration of the phenomena of halos, parhelia, and the like.
Halotrichite : An iron alum occurring in silky fibrous aggregates of a yellowish white color.
Haloxyline : An explosive mixture, consisting of sawdust, charcoal, niter, and ferrocyanide of potassium, used as a substitute for gunpowder.
Halp : Helped.
Halpace : See Haut pas.
Hals : The neck or throat.
Halse : To embrace about the neck; to salute; to greet. ;; To adjure; to beseech; to entreat. ;; To haul; to hoist.
Halsed : of Halse
Next : Halsening, Halser, Halsing, Halt, Halted, Halter, Haltered, Halteres, Haltering, Halter-sack
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