Vocabulary : hast to Hastif
hast : 2d pers. sing. pres. of. Have, contr. of havest. ;; of Have
Hastate : Alt. of Hastated
Hastated : Shaped like the head of a halberd; triangular, with the basal angles or lobes spreading; as, a hastate leaf.
Haste : Celerity of motion; speed; swiftness; dispatch; expedition; -- applied only to voluntary beings, as men and other animals. ;; The state of being urged or pressed by business; hurry; urgency; sudden excitement of feeling or passion; precipitance; vehemence. ;; To hasten; to hurry.
Hasted : of Haste
Hasten : To press; to drive or urge forward; to push on; to precipitate; to accelerate the movement of; to expedite; to hurry. ;; To move celerity; to be rapid in motion; to act speedily or quickly; to go quickly.
Hastened : of Hasten
Hastener : One who hastens. ;; That which hastens; especially, a stand or reflector used for confining the heat of the fire to meat while roasting before it.
Hastening : of Hasten
Hastif : Hasty.
: Hastile, Hastily, Hastiness, Hasting, Hastings, Hastings sands, Hastive, Hasty, Hasty pudding, hat
: Hashed, Hasheesh, Hashing, Hashish, Hask, Haslet, Hasp, Hasped, Hasping, Hassock
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary