Vocabulary : Hazardry to Haziness

Hazardry : Playing at hazard; gaming; gambling. ;; Rashness; temerity.
Haze : Light vapor or smoke in the air which more or less impedes vision, with little or no dampness; a lack of transparency in the air; hence, figuratively, obscurity; dimness. ;; To be hazy, or tick with haze. ;; To harass by exacting unnecessary, disagreeable, or difficult work. ;; To harass or annoy by playing abusive or shameful tricks upon; to humiliate by practical jokes; -- used esp. of college students; as, the sophomores hazed a freshman.
Hazed : of Haze
Hazel : A shrub or small tree of the genus Corylus, as the C. avellana, bearing a nut containing a kernel of a mild, farinaceous taste; the filbert. The American species are C. Americana, which produces the common hazelnut, and C. rostrata. See Filbert. ;; A miner's name for freestone. ;; Consisting of hazels, or of the wood of the hazel; pertaining to, or derived from, the hazel; as, a hazel wand. ;; Of a light brown color, like the hazelnut.
Hazeless : Destitute of haze.
Hazelly : Of the color of the hazelnut; of a light brown.
Hazelnut : The nut of the hazel.
Hazelwort : The asarabacca.
Hazily : In a hazy manner; mistily; obscurely; confusedly.
Haziness : The quality or state of being hazy.
Next : Hazing, Hazle, Hazy, He, Head, Head gear, Headache, Headachy, Headband, Headbeard
Previous : Haythorn, Haytian, Hayward, Hazard, Hazardable, Hazarded, Hazarder, Hazarding, Hazardize, Hazardous
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