Vocabulary : Hemiopsia to Hemipteral

Hemiopsia : A defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at.
Hemiorthotype : Same as Monoclinic.
Hemipeptone : A product of the gastric and pancreatic digestion of albuminous matter.
Hemiplegia : A palsy that affects one side only of the body.
Hemiplegy : Hemiplegia.
Hemipode : Any bird of the genus Turnix. Various species inhabit Asia, Africa, and Australia.
Hemiprotein : An insoluble, proteid substance, described by Schutzenberger, formed when albumin is heated for some time with dilute sulphuric acid. It is apparently identical with antialbumid and dyspeptone.
Hemipter : One of the Hemiptera.
Hemiptera : An order of hexapod insects having a jointed proboscis, including four sharp stylets (mandibles and maxillae), for piercing. In many of the species (Heteroptera) the front wings are partially coriaceous, and different from the others.
Hemipteral : Alt. of Hemipterous
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