Vocabulary : Home-speaking to Homiform
Home-speaking : Direct, forcible, and effective speaking.Homespun : Spun or wrought at home; of domestic manufacture; coarse; plain. ;; Plain in manner or style; not elegant; rude; coarse. ;; Cloth made at home; as, he was dressed in homespun. ;; An unpolished, rustic person.
Homestall : Place of a home; homestead.
Homestead : The home place; a home and the inclosure or ground immediately connected with it. ;; The home or seat of a family; place of origin. ;; The home and appurtenant land and buildings owned by the head of a family, and occupied by him and his family.
Homesteader : One who has entered upon a portion of the public land with the purpose of acquiring ownership of it under provisions of the homestead law, so called; one who has acquired a homestead in this manner.