Vocabulary : Horologiographic to Horoscope

Horologiographic : Of or pertaining to horologiography.
Horologiography : An account of instruments that show the hour. ;; The art of constructing clocks or dials; horography.
Horologist : One versed in horology.
Horology : The science of measuring time, or the principles and art of constructing instruments for measuring and indicating portions of time, as clocks, watches, dials, etc.
Horometer : An instrument for measuring time.
Horometrical : Belonging to horometry.
Horometry : The art, practice, or method of measuring time by hours and subordinate divisions.
Horopter : The line or surface in which are situated all the points which are seen single while the point of sight, or the adjustment of the eyes, remains unchanged.
Horopteric : Of or pertaining to the horopter.
Horoscope : The representation made of the aspect of the heavens at the moment of a person's birth, by which the astrologer professed to foretell the events of the person's life; especially, the sign of the zodiac rising above the horizon at such a moment. ;; The diagram or scheme of twelve houses or signs of the zodiac, into which the whole circuit of the heavens was divided for the purposes of such prediction of fortune. ;; The planisphere invented by Jean Paduanus. ;; A table showing the length of the days and nights at all places.
Next : Horoscoper, Horoscopist, Horoscopy, Horrendous, Horrent, Horrible, Horribleness, Horribly, Horrid, Horridly
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