Vocabulary : Kaliform to Kalsomine

Kaliform : Formed like kali, or glasswort.
Kaligenous : Forming alkalies with oxygen, as some metals.
Kalium : Potassium; -- so called by the German chemists.
Kalki : The name of Vishnu in his tenth and last avatar.
Kalmia : A genus of North American shrubs with poisonous evergreen foliage and corymbs of showy flowers. Called also mountain laurel, ivy bush, lamb kill, calico bush, etc.
Kalmuck : See Calmucks. ;; A kind of shaggy cloth, resembling bearskin. ;; A coarse, dyed, cotton cloth, made in Prussia.
Kalong : A fruit bat, esp. the Indian edible fruit bat (Pteropus edulis).
Kaloyer : See Caloyer.
Kalpa : One of the Brahmanic eons, a period of 4,320,000,000 years. At the end of each Kalpa the world is annihilated.
Kalsomine : Same as Calcimine.
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