Vocabulary : Kan to Kantism

Kan : To know; to ken. ;; See Khan.
Kanacka : Alt. of Kanaka
Kanaka : A native of the Sandwich Islands.
Kanchil : A small chevrotain of the genus Tragulus, esp. T. pygmaeus, or T. kanchil, inhabiting Java, Sumatra, and adjacent islands; a deerlet. It is noted for its agility and cunning.
Kand : Fluor spar; -- so called by Cornish miners.
Kangaroo : Any one of numerous species of jumping marsupials of the family Macropodidae. They inhabit Australia, New Guinea, and adjacent islands, They have long and strong hind legs and a large tail, while the fore legs are comparatively short and feeble. The giant kangaroo (Macropus major) is the largest species, sometimes becoming twelve or fourteen feet in total length. The tree kangaroos, belonging to the genus Dendrolagus, live in trees; the rock kangaroos, of the genus Petrogale, inhabit rocky situations; and the brush kangaroos, of the genus Halmaturus, inhabit wooded districts. See Wallaby.
Kansas : A tribe of Indians allied to the Winnebagoes and Osages. They formerly inhabited the region which is now the State of Kansas, but were removed to the Indian Territory.
Kantian : Of or pertaining to Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher; conformed or relating to any or all of the philosophical doctrines of Immanuel Kant. ;; A follower of Kant; a Kantist.
Kantianism : Alt. of Kantism
Kantism : The doctrine or theory of Kant; the Kantian philosophy.
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