Vocabulary : Kapok to Karob

Kapok : A silky wool derived from the seeds of Ceiba pentandra (syn. Eriodendron anfractuosum), a bombaceous tree of the East and West Indies.
Karagane : A species of gray fox found in Russia.
Karaism : Doctrines of the Karaites.
Karaite : A sect of Jews who adhere closely to the letter of the Scriptures, rejecting the oral law, and allowing the Talmud no binding authority; -- opposed to the Rabbinists.
Karakul : Astrakhan, esp. in fine grades. Cf. Caracul.
Karatas : A West Indian plant of the Pineapple family (Nidularium Karatas).
Karma : One's acts considered as fixing one's lot in the future existence. (Theos.) The doctrine of fate as the inflexible result of cause and effect; the theory of inevitable consequence.
Karmathian : One of a Mohammedan sect founded in the ninth century by Karmat.
Karn : A pile of rocks; sometimes, the solid rock. See Cairn.
Karob : The twenty-fourth part of a grain; -- a weight used by goldsmiths.
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