Vocabulary : Katydid to Kayak

Katydid : A large, green, arboreal, orthopterous insect (Cyrtophyllus concavus) of the family Locustidae, common in the United States. The males have stridulating organs at the bases of the front wings. During the summer and autumn, in the evening, the males make a peculiar, loud, shrill sound, resembling the combination Katy-did, whence the name.
Kauri : A lofty coniferous tree of New Zealand Agathis, / Dammara, australis), furnishing valuable timber and yielding one kind of dammar resin. ;; Kauri resin. ;; By extension, any of various species of Dammara; as, the red kauri (D. lanceolata).
Kauri resin : Alt. of copal
Kava : A species of Macropiper (M. methysticum), the long pepper, from the root of which an intoxicating beverage is made by the Polynesians, by a process of mastication; also, the beverage itself.
Kavass : An armed constable; also, a government servant or courier.
Kavasses : of Kavass
Kaw : See Caw.
Kawaka : a New Zealand tree, the Cypress cedar (Libocedrus Doniana), having a valuable, fine-grained, reddish wood.
Kawn : An inn.
Kayak : A light canoe, made of skins stretched over a frame, and usually capable of carrying but one person, who sits amidships and uses a double-bladed paddle. It is peculiar to the Eskimos and other Arctic tribes.
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