Vocabulary : Kelpy to Kemp

Kelpy : An imaginary spirit of the waters, horselike in form, vulgarly believed to warn, by preternatural noises and lights, those who are to be drowned.
Kelson : See Keelson.
Kelt : See Kilt, n. ;; Cloth with the nap, generally of native black wool. ;; A salmon after spawning. ;; Same as Celt, one of Celtic race.
Kelter : Regular order or proper condition.
Keltic : Same as Celtic, a. & n.
Kemb : To comb.
Kembed : of Kemb
Kembing : of Kemb
Kemelin : A tub; a brewer's vessel.
Kemp : Alt. of Kempty
Next : Kempe, Kemps, Kempt, Kempty, Ken, Kendal, Kendal green, Kenned, Kennel, Kennel coal
Previous : Keld, Kele, Kell, Keloid, Kelotomy, Kelp, Kelpfish, Kelpie, Kelpies, Kelpware
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