Vocabulary : Kevin to Keyhole

Kevin : The gazelle.
Kex : A weed; a kecksy. ;; A dry husk or covering.
key : An instrument by means of which the bolt of a lock is shot or drawn; usually, a removable metal instrument fitted to the mechanism of a particular lock and operated by turning in its place. ;; An instrument which is turned like a key in fastening or adjusting any mechanism; as, a watch key; a bed key, etc. ;; That part of an instrument or machine which serves as the means of operating it; as, a telegraph key; the keys of a pianoforte, or of a typewriter. ;; A position or condition which affords entrance, control, pr possession, etc.; as, the key of a line of defense; the key of a country; the key of a political situation. Hence, that which serves to unlock, open, discover, or solve something unknown or difficult; as, the key to a riddle; the key to a problem. ;; That part of a mechanism which serves to lock up, make fast, or adjust to position. ;; A piece of wood used as a wedge. ;; The last board of a floor when laid down. ;; A keystone. ;; That part of the plastering which is forced through between the lath
Key fruit : A samara.
Key tone : See Keynote.
Keyage : Wharfage; quayage.
Keyboard : The whole arrangement, or one range, of the keys of an organ, typewriter, etc.
Key-cold : Cold as a metallic key; lifeless.
Keyed : Furnished with keys; as, a keyed instrument; also, set to a key, as a tune.
Keyhole : A hole or apertupe in a door or lock, for receiving a key. ;; A hole or excavation in beams intended to be joined together, to receive the key which fastens them. ;; a mortise for a key or cotter.
Next : Keying, Keynote, Keyseat, Keystone, Keystone State, Keyway, Khaki, Khaliff, Khamsin, Khan
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