Vocabulary : Kitling to Kittlish
Kitling : A young kitten; a whelp.
Kitte : of Kit ;; of Kit to cut.
Kittel : See Kittle, v. t.
Kitten : A young cat. ;; To bring forth young, as a cat; to bring forth, as kittens.
Kittened : of Kitten
Kittening : of Kitten
Kittenish : Resembling a kitten; playful; as, a kittenish disposition.
Kittiwake : A northern gull (Rissa tridactyla), inhabiting the coasts of Europe and America. It is white, with black tips to the wings, and has but three toes.
Kittle : To bring forth young, as a cat; to kitten; to litter. ;; To tickle. ;; Ticklish; not easily managed; troublesome; difficult; variable.
Kittlish : Ticklish; kittle.
: Kitty, Kittysol, Kiva, Kive, Kiver, Kivikivi, Kivikivies, Kiwikiwi, Kiwikiwies, Klamaths
: Kitchenette, Kitchenmaid, Kitchen-ry, Kite, Kiteflier, Kiteflying, Kith, Kithara, Kithe, Kitish
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary