Vocabulary : Kneadable to Kneebrush

Kneadable : That may be kneaded; capable of being worked into a mass.
Kneaded : of Knead
Kneader : One who kneads.
Kneading : of Knead
Kneadingly : In the manner of one kneading.
Knebelite : A mineral of a gray, red, brown, or green color, and glistening luster. It is a silicate of iron and manganese.
Kneck : The twisting of a rope or cable, as it is running out.
Knee : In man, the joint in the middle part of the leg. ;; The joint, or region of the joint, between the thigh and leg. ;; In the horse and allied animals, the carpal joint, corresponding to the wrist in man. ;; A piece of timber or metal formed with an angle somewhat in the shape of the human knee when bent. ;; A bending of the knee, as in respect or courtesy. ;; To supplicate by kneeling.
Knee jerk : A jerk or kick produced by a blow or sudden strain upon the patellar tendon of the knee, which causes a sudden contraction of the quadriceps muscle.
Kneebrush : A tuft or brush of hair on the knees of some species of antelopes and other animals; -- chiefly used in the plural. ;; A thick mass or collection of hairs on the legs of bees, by aid of which they carry the collected pollen to the hive or nest; -- usually in the plural.
Next : Kneecap, Knee-crooking, Kneed, Knee-deep, Knee-high, Kneejoint, Kneejointed, Kneel, Kneeled, Kneeler
Previous : Knaveries, Knavery, Knaveship, Knavess, Knavish, Knavishly, KNavishness, Knaw, Knawel, Knead
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