Vocabulary : Knock to Knock-off
Knock : To drive or be driven against something; to strike against something; to clash; as, one heavy body knocks against another. ;; To strike or beat with something hard or heavy; to rap; as, to knock with a club; to knock on the door. ;; To strike with something hard or heavy; to move by striking; to drive (a thing) against something; as, to knock a ball with a bat; to knock the head against a post; to knock a lamp off the table. ;; To strike for admittance; to rap upon, as a door. ;; A blow; a stroke with something hard or heavy; a jar. ;; A stroke, as on a door for admittance; a rap. ;; To practice evil speaking or fault-finding; to criticize habitually or captiously. ;; To impress strongly or forcibly; to astonish; to move to admiration or applause.Knockabout : A small yacht, generally from fifteen to twenty-five feet in length, having a mainsail and a jib. All knockabouts have ballast and either a keel or centerboard. The original type was twenty-one feet in length. The next larger type is called a raceabout. ;; A knockabout performer or performance. ;; A man hired on a sheep station to do odd jobs. ;; Marked by knocking about or roughness. ;; Of noisy and violent character. ;; Characterized by, or suitable for, knocking about, or traveling or wandering hither and thither. ;; That does odd jobs; -- said of a class of hands or laborers on a sheep station.
Knockdown : A felling by a knock, as of a combatant, or of an animal. ;; Of force sufficient to fell or completely overthrow; as, a knockdown blow; a knockdown argument. ;; Of such force as to fell or overthrow; overwhelming; as, a knockdown blow. ;; Designating a rivet end to be formed into a head by upsetting in fastening. ;; Of or pertaining to the act of knocking down at an auction; specif., designating the price below which an article will not be disposed by the auctioneer. ;; Made or constructed so as to be capable of being knocked down or taken apart, as for transportation. ;; That which knocks one down; something that overpowers or overwhelms, as strong liquor; specif., a kind of ale or beer that is very strong. ;; A knocking down; a felling by a knock; a blow that overwhelms; also, a fist fight. ;; Something that knocks down, or takes apart, for packing or removal, as a piece of furniture; also, state of being knocked down, or taken apart.
Knocked : of Knock
Knocker : One who, or that which, knocks; specifically, an instrument, or kind of hammer, fastened to a door, to be used in seeking for admittance. ;; A person strikingly handsome, beautiful, or fine; one who wins admiration; a "stunner." ;; A species of large cockroach, esp. Blabera gigantea, of semitropical America, which as able to produce a loud knocking sound.