Vocabulary : Kopje to Kotowed
Kopje : A hillock; a small kop.Koran : The Scriptures of the Mohammedans, containing the professed revelations to Mohammed; -- called also Alcoran.
Korin : The gazelle.
Korrigum : A West African antelope (Damalis Senegalensis), allied to the sassaby. It is reddish gray, with a black face, and a black stripe on the outside of the legs above the knees.
Kosher : Ceremonially clean, according to Jewish law; -- applied to food, esp. to meat of animals slaughtered according to the requirements of Jewish law. Opposed to tref. Hence, designating a shop, store, house, etc., where such food is sold or used. ;; Kosher food; also, a kosher shop. ;; To prepare in conformity with the requirements of the Jewish law, as meat.