Vocabulary : Krameria to Krems
Krameria : A genus of spreading shrubs with many stems, from one species of which (K. triandra), found in Peru, rhatany root, used as a medicine, is obtained.
Krameric : Pertaining to, or derived from, Krameria (rhatany); as, krameric acid, usually called ratanhia-tannic acid.
Krang : The carcass of a whale after the blubber has been removed.
Kranging hook : A hook for holding the blubber while cutting it away.
Kreatic : See Creatic.
Kreatin : See Creatin.
Kreatinin : See Creatinin.
Kreel : See Creel.
Kremlin : The citadel of a town or city; especially, the citadel of Moscow, a large inclosure which contains imperial palaces, cathedrals, churches, an arsenal, etc.
Krems : A variety of white lead. See Krems lead, under Lead, n.
: Kreng, Kreosote, Kreutzer, Kriegsspiel, Kris, Krishna, Kritarchy, Krokidolite, Krone, Krooman
: Kotowing, Koulan, Koumiss, Kousso, Kowtow, Kra, Kraal, Krait, Kraken, Krakowiak
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary