Vocabulary : Kyanize to Kydde
Kyanize : To render (wood) proof against decay by saturating with a solution of corrosive sublimate in open tanks, or under pressure.
Kyanized : of Kyanize
Kyanizing : of Kyanize
Kyannite : See Cyanite.
Kyanol : Aniline. ;; A base obtained from coal tar.
Kyanophyll : Same as Cyanophyll.
Kyar : Cocoanut fiber, or the cordage made from it. See Coir.
Kyaw : A daw.
Kyd : p. p. of Kythe.
Kydde : imp. of Kythe, to show. ;; of Kithe
: Kyke, Kyley, Kyloes, Kymnel, Kymograph, Kymographic, Kymric, Kymry, Kynrede, Kynurenic
: Kuro-Siwo, Kursaal, Kusimanse, Kuskus, Kussier, Kutauss, Kutch, Ky, Kyaboca wood, Kyack
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary